User’s guide/F.A.Q.2025-02-19T00:29:36+01:00

Application guide / Frequently Asked Questions

2025 School year calendar

October 1, 2024 – February 28, 2025 CampusArt Web site opens.
Students complete electronic application.
February 28, 2025 Deadline for submission of applications on the CampusArt platform (online application and supporting documents to upload)
February 28, 2025 Students undergo telephone interviews or videoconferences.
Member institutions extend offers of admission to the candidates on their CampusArt platform.
April 30, 2025 Deadline for admission offers by the member institutions to the students on their CampusArt account.
April 30, 2025 – May 31, 2025 Students accept or decline admission offers on their CampusArt account.
May 31, 2025 Deadline for confirmation of entry into the program by the students on their CampusArt account.
CampusArt Web site closes.
End of May, 2025 Formal offers of admission are prepared and mailed by institutions to CampusArt. CampusArt sends certificates to registered students.

Please print this form and read carefully before completing:

Browse F.A.Q. Topics

Conditions for completing a CampusArt application form2025-02-18T18:19:08+01:00

The conditions for completing a CampusArt application form are defined on the «Apply online» page.

Calendar: what are the important dates?2025-02-17T13:16:22+01:00

They are listed on the CampusArt website.

The timeline can be found at the beginning of the “Application guide / Frequently Asked Questions” page.

The deadline for receipt of paper applications at Campus France Paris. The period during which the proposals from the establishments (and the videoconferences and/or telephone interviews) are carried out.

If a recruitment offer is sent to you, wait until the end of the offer period to make your decision, and don’t respond too quickly.

Some advice for candidates2025-02-17T11:44:42+01:00
  • Read and print out the application guide and keep it with you when you fill in the application forms.
  • Find out more about studying art and architecture studies
  • Apply to different establishments, including at least 1 outside Paris
  • Complete all Training preferences
  • Place 7 courses in “ma sélection” then, without changing computers, go to the “Faire une demande de placement” tab, click on “Ajouter des formations par codes” and paste the courses from the CampusArt catalog in the “ajouter des formations par codes” field with your ctrl+v keys then click on the button: the computer imports the courses recorded in step 1.
  • Beware of warning messages: do not proceed to ‘step 2’ if your electronic file is not complete. You will NO LONGER be able to modify it. You will have to fill in a new electronic file.
  • Be sure to sign at the bottom of your emails with your name, address, city and country; indicate the subject of your request.
  • If you are in a country with a “Etudes en France” procedure, For the students concerned, you have the right to choose schools that are not connected to the “Études en France” procedure, that is to say which do not appear in the list of schools on “Études en France”: These schools are on CampusArt, we invite you to use this application platform. The “Études en France” procedure is compulsory for students from the countries concerned but not for French higher education establishments. It is therefore normal that you do not find all the schools in the list of the “Études en France” procedure. On CampusArt, you can apply to these schools.Some countries provide facilities « Études en France » procedure for students who will be enrolled by CampusArt : half price or free for fees exemption or maintenance of acceleration. This is the case of Algeria, China, Côte d’Ivoire, Colombia, Vietnam, Russia… First end your CampusAt procedure, and when the CampusArt team has sent you your certificates admission, you can then skip the application phase on the Studies in France procedure and immediately go to the “I am accepted” step: you can upload the certificates that the CampusArt team has sent to you on your Studies in France account.
My application file was rejected. Why?2025-02-17T12:00:48+01:00

Both components of the application-electronic and paper-based—must be complete and consistent. No application will be accepted if this requirement is not met, regardless of the candidate’s talent or other merits.

Applicants must sign the checklist of items to be included in the paper application file.

Can I apply to a French institution without going through CampusArt?2025-02-17T17:33:18+01:00

Yes, but the CampusArt network is a plus: it submits your application simultaneously to around sixty different establishments and gives you an early response, in April, which gives you time to prepare your stay and your trip, to possibly improve your French, to present a scholarship application, etc. 

How to present my personal work? What is a portfolio / book?2025-02-17T11:54:03+01:00

The presentation of your work can be done on a ready-made and free blog or portfolio, on a website built by you or a link to a pdf including all the sections requested. You do not need to provide a link to your Facebook account. There are free blogging solutions (,,, http: // cargocollective. com,…).
Your personal website must have at least 2 main sections: personal work: around 15 personal creations which can be drawings, sketches, paintings, models, artistic photographs, sculptures, musical creations alone or in a group … that you must describe a little (intention or concept, materials or instruments used, software,…), the imaginary museum (10 works) and if you can a study / motivation project. Diversify your personal work (drawings, paintings, photographs, models, videos, etc.).

The place to indicate your personal website link is in your CampusArt account in the “Candidate profile / Personal details / contacts” section.

You can also attach your portfolio in pdf (light weight required, less than 8 megabytes) as a document to attach in the « Projet d’études et professionnel » section.

For musicians applying for musical groups: you can obviously not show drawings but sounds, videos of yourself playing alone or in a group or orchestra. A link to a youtube channel, soundcloud or any other system allowing you to gather your links allowing you to see your videos or sounds. A pdf file listing your links to your videos or sounds to drop on your CampusArt / Toucan folder can also be a solution. 

Who can serve as a reference?2025-02-17T12:04:09+01:00

Your references-those whom you ask to recommend you-may be faculty members, academic administrators, supervisors, employers, or artists.

In essence, your references should be accomplished members of the art world.

Am I required to pay the €300 application fee even if I don’t receive any offers of admission?2025-02-17T12:30:55+01:00

NO. You are required to pay the application fee to CampusArt only if you accept an offer of admission. Once CampusArt receives that payment, you will receive an acknowledgment of your acceptance of the admission offer, a document that you will need to obtain a student visa.
If you do not receive the acknowledgment within three weeks, write to the admissions office at the institution whose offer you accepted.
Send copies of your messages to CampusArt.

Important note: If you accept an offer of admission from a private institution, you will be asked to pay a portion of the program tuition directly to the institution before the institution will issue the acknowledgment of admission. The amount to be paid is specified in the institution’s description on the CampusArt Web site, or on the institution’s Web site.

Will I have to come to France for an interview?2025-02-17T17:24:35+01:00

NO. But, increasingly, applicants are asked to participate in a telephone interview or videoconference at a local Campus France office or French consulate, where their identity can be verified.

Application steps2025-02-17T13:02:40+01:00

The application steps are defined on the “Apply online” page.

What is an imaginary museum?2025-02-17T14:08:09+01:00

This is a list of 10 titles of artworks (maximum) in the history of Art around the world, including primitive arts or architecture, that have influenced you in your personal artistic projects. The captions must be complete and consistent with art labels. For example: 

title: portrait of Mona Lisa, known as La Joconde 
author: Leonardo da Vinci 
– technique: oil painting; wood 
date of creation: 1503-1506  

Try to explain your choices in relation to your personal artistic project (in a few lines).

Important: Your site also allows you to send to all establishments simultaneously after closing the electronic file and sending the paper file, the documents that you were unable to attach: CV or new French test certificate, new diploma, etc.
Then create a 4th section on your site, entitled “Latest documents” for example, and insert the new documents that you wish to show.

What are the differences between art schools and universities?2025-02-17T14:17:18+01:00

Universities tend to train people who want to talk about or manage art, to be cultural mediators (theorists, art critics, directors/administrators of cultural venues, troupes, etc.).

The schools tend to train people who want to make art (all the ‘creative types’, artists, designers, decorators, stylists, etc.).

Public universities and art schools award Licences, Masters and Doctorates.

Public schools award ‘titles’ or ‘certificates’ that the CNCP (Commission Nationale de Certification Professionnelle) classifies into 5 levels. See:

Are scholarships available?2025-02-17T14:23:05+01:00

For information on scholarships and financial aid, visit your local Campus France office or the consulate of France in your country.

Also, read the information provided on this site under the tab “Finding financial assistance”

Who is responsible for student housing, Campus France or the member institutions?2025-02-17T14:29:01+01:00

Neither. You are responsible for finding and paying for your own housing, whether your new institution is public or private. For more information, visit:

Some establishments can reserve accommodation. Reception facilities are in place in several cities in France:

Educational plans, professional goals, and curriculum vitae2025-02-17T17:09:45+01:00

The study project is like a cover letter and must specify the reasons why you chose this training and this establishment, what you expect from it and how you see your artistic and personal future. The professional project must detail your CV. Add if your work has been exhibited, if you have done internships, worked with established artists, … 

Do applicants have to pass an entrance examination before applying for admission?2025-02-17T17:17:07+01:00

No examination is required before applying to CampusArt programs.

How closely must my references follow the model letter of recommendation?2025-02-17T17:24:35+01:00

The models are examples and not meant to be followed verbatim. Your references should feel free to compose their letters as they wish. 

A free letter of recommendation may be used.

Do my letters of recommendation have to be in French?2025-02-17T17:38:06+01:00

CampusArt accepts letters of recommendation in French, English, and Spanish.

When do I have to attach my receipts to my account?2025-02-17T17:52:55+01:00

The deadline to upload your supporting documents is indicated on the CampusArt Web site and on the calendar above.

Attach all the requested documents to your CampusArt account.

If you can not do it, send a complete pdf file by mail to (don’t exceed a maximum weight of 7 megs) or using TransferNow (, or copies, Do not send original documents, without staples at the following address (If you choose to send by email you must send your photos, references’ letters and envelopes by mail) :

Direction des Relations Extérieures et Institutionnelles
28, rue de la Grange-aux-Belles
75010 Paris – France
CampusArt has acknowledged receipt of my application. Does that mean that I’ve been accepted into a program?2025-02-17T17:58:33+01:00

NO ! CampusArt will send you an e-mail to confirm that your account has been created. At that point, you may begin to fill out your electronic application. Once the electronic application is complete, but before you send it, you will print it out and assemble it into a file with supporting documents. Only after your paper file is complete and ready for mailing, should you submit your electronic file. CampusArt will acknowledge receipt of your application and confirm that it has been either certified (that is, verified for completeness and consistency) or rejected. Once your application is certified, it will be forwarded to the member institutions of the CampusArt network for review. Each institution will choose the applicants to whom they wish to offer admission. 


Fill CampusArt file online first!

Then follow the various procedures: join a French institution depends on your nationality, country of residence and nature of the proposed study:

When should students report to their chosen institution?2025-02-17T18:17:27+01:00

At the start of the university year, when the course they have chosen opens (generally in September/October)

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